Breakthrough 45 Day 10

The deeper we go, the more living water we are able to enjoy and the more refreshment is brought to our souls.

This past week at Breakthrough 45, we have continued in the same stream of going to the core with Abba and watching how that turns our hearts towards prayer for a move of God on the earth. We have been going after deeper levels of trust and intimacy with our Papa and He has been releasing healing in all areas of our lives. There has been surrender of burdens and hearts stirred to contend for those closest to us. There is freedom in believing who God says He is and what He wants to do in our own lives.

This personal breakthrough has put a fresh fire in our hearts to pray for our families, the nations and a mass harvest on the earth because the truth of who God is has permeated our hearts. Each evening has been marked with thanksgiving and praise as well as a deep desire to see Holy Spirit break into the hardest and darkest places on the earth. We have seen such unity in prayer every night as we stand contending for nations and peoples of the earth. One evening, we were blessed to have a very large world map laid out so that we could lay our physical hands on the different nations that we were praying for. You could feel fresh faith in the room as prayers were being released one after another.

What a time we live in, that we are able to spend a season in prayer for the nations of the earth, that the Lamb would truly receive His just reward. It is an honor, joy and privilege to watch in faith as His Spirit moves.

Tomorrow night at Breakthrough 45 is our weekly Family Night from 7-9pm. It is an honor to have our good friend Dick Simmons come and share with us. He is a father of the faith and a inspiring prayer warrior for our generation. Join us as we enjoy a word from him and worship together at Embassy Church this Sunday evening!

Prayer Points of the Week

Chorus of the Week

You got the whole world in Your hands
You can do anything by Your command
Let revival come
Let revival come
Let revival come
To every nation and every tribe


Now read this

Breakthrough 45 Day 2

We are sons and daughters of a KING! During the second night of Breakthrough 45, the Father made it clear that it was His desire to first take us deep in our identities as His children. In Psalms 2:7, God calls us His children and from... Continue →