Breakthrough 45 Day 4

The Lord’s name is a promise to all generations.

Start speaking out all the names of the Lord that you know and claim them for your own life. Each one of His names speaks of a promise to the ones that love Him. He doesn’t just call Himself provider and not provide, or a God of love and not pour forth love. These names are His character and nature, it is impossible for Papa to be anything other than true to every single one of His names. We can hold tight to these promises and let them bring us hope in every situation.

When praying for the nations it has been so important to know the character and nature of God because it helps guide and direct our prayers. Knowing that Papa’s banner over us is love really puts praying for a harvest in perspective because He loves everyone unconditionally and His heart breaks for them. Clinging to those promises allows for each of us to go into that deep place of contending prayer and pray from the Father’s perspective, looking at a dying and broken world through His eyes.

So let us remember what a mighty God we serve and that His heart is for us always! Hold onto those truths for your own life while also allowing Papa to turn it into prayers for a harvest in the nations!

Key Prayer Points

Chorus of the Night

You are the Ancient of Days
And you’re still on the throne


Now read this

Breakthrough 45 Day 5

We were all made with purpose and destiny inside of us! Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Everyone has a story that is unique to... Continue →