Breakthrough 45 Day 38

“If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”
John 14:14

Our prayers are powerful and effective! They change nations and shift atmospheres! Our prayers extend the Kingdom of God on the earth!

These three statements are very powerful truths that every believer should hold onto. If every one of us believed these three things to be true then our prayer lives would probably change dramatically and we would be willing to go anywhere or do anything for the Lord no matter the cost. Trials and hardships in our own lives and all around the world would not look as scary or disheartening because of how grounded we were in the truth that Papa will hear our prayers.

This week at Breakthrough 45 the Lord has been challenging us all in the place of trust. He wants to take each and every single one of us into deeper levels of trust with Him so that when it is time to step out of the boat, we will. I don’t know if Peter could have ever really prepared for that moment, but when it came down to it he trusted that Jesus wouldn’t fail him. He believed that when Jesus said, “Come”, he would be ok in the raging waters… and he was as long as he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus. Every day we are faced with decisions and opportunities that allow us to trust God more, but we must keep our eyes fixed on Him and stay grounded in His truths. Our challenge to everyone this week is to take time, when you are faced with decisions, to ask God, “How can I trust you more in this situation?” Let’s meditate on His truths and promises and claim them for ourselves! His desire is that we live full of faith, really believing that these truths apply in our everyday lives!

We only have about a week left of Breakthrough 45, and it has been so much fun partnering with the Lord in this season. Please join us this Sunday evening for our weekly Family Night from 7-9pm. We have the pleasure of having a friend of ours join us, Nancy McGirk, who is the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director of Aglow International. We are excited to hear what the Lord has to say through her, as well as enjoy a time of worship together here at Embassy Church!

Prayer Points of the Week

Chorus of the Week

You are a God bent on mercy
Lord hear my plea
Son of David
Son of David
Son of David have mercy on me

I need a touch from your hand
I need a move of the Spirit in my land


Now read this

Breakthrough 45 Day 31

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine! I bet most of us remember singing and doing the hand motions to this song when we were little. I know I remember singing it and meaning it with everything I had in my heart. There was... Continue →